UBE Youth Day Trip To San Antonio - Registration Form

March 5, 2022, 9 am to 6 pm | Please fill out this form and click submit.

The Myra McDaniel Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) is sponsoring a trip for the Middle and High School Youth on Saturday March 5, 2022.

The group will meet in St. James’s parking lot at 9:00 am and caravan to San Antonio to visit and tour St. Philip’s College in San Antonio to see the Blessed Artemisia Bowden Gallery, a visit to the San Antonio African American Community Museum, and lunch, then return to St James'. (Return time is estimated. Depending on how long the tours are and traffic, we will likely return sometime after 5 pm, no later than 6pm.) The trip, including lunch, is provided by UBE, at no cost to youth/families.

We will continue to follow our St James' Covid guidelines, and will wear masks when indoors, including when inside shared vehicles. We ask that families opt to caravan whenever possible (due to Covid). Carpool space is limited.
Please select one option.
Important Information

Authorization and Consent for Medical Treatment

I grant my authorization and consent for St James’ Episcopal Church staff and Union of Black Episcopalians - Myra McDaniel Chapter to administer general first aid treatment of any minor injuries or illnesses experienced. I understand in an emergency situation, emergency services will be contacted.
Please select one option.
Media Release

I understand that photos or videos or audio of me and/or my child may be taken during this event. I consent to the use of my and my child's photo, voice, or likeness in promotional materials such as the church website, newsletter, brochures, bulletin, and social media outlets. I understand that my child's identifying information will not be provided unless I give permission at a later time.
Please select one option.
Parent/Guardian digital signature



March 5, 2022, 9 am to 6 pm
Please fill out this form and click submit.

The Myra McDaniel Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) is sponsoring a trip for the Middle and High School Youth on Saturday March 5, 2022.

The group will meet in St. James’s parking lot at 9:00 am and caravan to San Antonio to visit and tour St. Philip’s College in San Antonio to see the Blessed Artemisia Bowden Gallery, a visit to the San Antonio African American Community Museum, and lunch, then return to St James'. (Return time is estimated. Depending on how long the tours are and traffic, we will likely return sometime after 5 pm, no later than 6pm.) The trip, including lunch, is provided by UBE, at no cost to youth/families.

We will continue to follow our St James' Covid guidelines, and will wear masks when indoors, including when inside shared vehicles. We ask that families opt to caravan whenever possible (due to Covid). Carpool space is limited.